Friday, June 25, 2010

Helping Your Audience: The Key To Blogging

Undeniably, many bloggers blog in order to have a decent source of income which is not bad.

However, the idea of earning something from blogging has become the source of all hypes. Yes, there is evil in blogging.

The Bible clearly said,

The love of money, is the root of all evils.  - 1Timothy 6:10

There is really nothing wrong in earning something through blogging. There should be a return to your efforts. You spend time, effort and money. You don’t want it to be an outright expense. Monetizing your blog is just fair.

However, if you just blog all because of money, I believe that you are in the wrong track. It just won’t work. Go and try to read the posts of successful bloggers, there you will see that there is no such thing as a “get rich quick scheme” in blogging. If you see some promises like this on certain bloggers, then most probably it is one of the internet hypes.

If you really want to earn money, first, you need to forget all about money. Think about what topics that your audience will love because it helps them.

You gain more subscribers when they trust you. When they know that you deliver the things they need. They will love you by being someone that helps. Remember that having a good number of subscribers is very essential for successful monetization in the future. And to do this, you need to attract them to subscribe by giving them the reason why should they subscribe.

Most successful blogs that I know were blogs that really delivers what their audience need.

Let me give you an example. I already considered myself to be a blogger and I considered it to be a profession and not just a hobby. And so I need some good copywriting tips. I need to improve my writings; I need help to make me a better writer.

As I try to search it over the net, I found the blog named “”. It has a very simple theme yet because this blog delivers what I need, I bookmarked it, subscribed to their updates, and even post questions and comments once in a while. To make things clear, I became a part of the community of probloggers.

Though I struggle a lot in writing, this blog just have the power to keep me going. It uplifts my inner being to show what’s inside me. To share what I know by putting it in words. And this is exactly what your blog should deliver, helping your audience, helping your niche.

I listed below four things that you can do to make your blog a blog that helps.

1.    Know your audience – First and foremost you need to know your audience. You must know what they need. You must know what they want. For example, if your target audience is bloggers, then blog about blogs, write things that will help them like giving them some tips in effective blogging. If your audience is Christian leaders, then write something about becoming an effective leader. Or something that will help them in their ministry.

2.    Be the expert of the niche -
You are the blogger; you are the so-called expert of that particular niche. If you talk about planting, then you are supposed to know more things about planting compared to ordinary people. You have to be the guru of the niche. Even if you do not know everything, but at least you should be more knowledgeable than the rest.

3.    Recommend what you have tried – One of the most common pitfalls in blogging is recommending something they haven’t tried themselves. It is important that when you recommend a certain product, first you should have tried it yourself. This is the way

4.    Answer your audience’s inquiries –
Granted that you have delivered what they need but they have some inquiries about it, and so they emailed you or left a comment on your blog. Try to answer them back. Tell them what they need to know.

Blogging isn’t just about money. It should be helping your audience. It should be delivering what it is about. You need to make a good content that helps.  


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